Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 9 power rankings: Utter chaos

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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As two players blew up their own alliance, the Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 9 power rankings try to piece things back together again.

16. Reem Daly

Another week with Reem Daly on the bottom of our Survivor power rankings? Before you say, “Screw you, dude!” to me, think about it logically; Reem is basically here for entertainment and to justify the Edge of Extinction twist. Without it, we wouldn’t have a new one-liner from her each week; the full extent of her game now.

15. Eric Hafemann

Somewhere between Day 1 and Day 22, Gavin and Eric broke off their tight partnership. I have no clue what brought that about, but it does explain that Eric may have been too easy to read from a game standpoint. Eric valued David and Rick as Final Eight pawns and was telegraphing his moves too well to avoid getting his head cut off at Final 12; a poor showing from a surprise Kama leader.

14. Aubry Bracco

At the very least, Aubry has the opportunity to practice the first phase of the upcoming Edge of Extinction challenge. She’s the driving narrative force on the isolated island and will be a key strategic and social mind as an experienced player and studious juror unless she can overcome Eric, Chris and Joe (at least) in a series of physical and mental challenges.

13. Chris Underwood

Chris was so close to winning the Edge of Extinction challenge last time around, and he is coming close to being in the right place to return to the game as Survivor players left are preparing for a crash. He can be a number for the Kama players or swing back in with the Lesu players or, quite possibly, play from the middle. It all depends on when the challenge sees the EoE player return.