4. Julie Rosenberg
Though Julie was clearly on the outs, she was protected heavily in the edit from this huge betrayal much like Nick was in the Christian blindside on Carl last season. We did see Julie provide insight here and there during the challenges, but she’s still so low on the totem pole that she likely won’t be targeted unless she has a meltdown.
3. Victoria Baamonde
Victoria opined that you should “shoot your shot, as long as you’re not shooting yourself in the foot.” She was in the know for this betrayal, but we saw her more inclined to keep things Kama strong until the numbers dwindled (a smarter move). Players are still coming to her for insight and keeping her in the loop while she escapes almost blood-free this round.
2. Lauren O’Connell
Honestly, I have no idea what’s going to happen in Survivor: Edge of Extinction episode 9. Virtually anybody not wearing an Immunity Necklace might be voted out next week, and the only thing bringing anybody comfort is protection. Lauren, the blackout-predicting badass she is, will likely not go down without a fight and will play her idol and stay safe as chaos consumes all around her.
1. Kelley Wentworth
Much like Lauren, I’m giving my top two spots to the only players who can guarantee their safety this round. Neither player should feel comfortable, meaning they will likely play their idols in case there’s any doubt. Kelley’s also not passing out due to exhaustion and hunger, and she’s won quite a few individual Immunity Challenges in her own right.