With the Wentworth and Lauren duo broken up, a new partnership formed that could lead all the way to Day 39 of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.
Similar to David vs. Goliath, season 38 of Survivor started off with a bunch of close pairings. Rick and David, Gavin and Eric, and Lauren and Kelley were key ones the edit focused on early. All three of those pairings are no more.
That said, last week’s episode shed light on a partnership we haven’t seen much of before. The edit showed Lauren and Julie as a legitimate pair. With all the concentration on eliminating the biggest “threats”, Julie and Lauren are in a perfect position to make it to Day 39.
Having Lauren and Julie win a reward together really cemented their relationship. Not only was it a fun and relaxing reward that bonded the four castaways, but it also gave Julie an opportunity to pick Lauren’s brain about gameplans.
This relationship goes beyond simply associating together because of a reward. Throughout the episode, Lauren and Julie spoke about who they wanted to go home and eventually decided on cutting Wardog.
What makes this pair dangerous?
This season has featured a modern way of playing Survivor. It’s been very fluid, a lot of focus on eliminating threats, and it’s even gone beyond voting blocs. At this point, Devens and Ron stand out as players to get rid of.
That should allow Lauren and Julie to get inside the Final Six without being seriously threatened. What makes this alliance work is that they are more than a pair of goats. They have smart gameplay combined with a low profile.
As mentioned in RHAP’s Know-It-Alls, in this era of Survivor, it’s hard to call anyone a “goat.” Julie has been playing a solid social game. Her calm and understanding reaction to Ron leaving her out of the vote was incredibly well played.
She has proven her ability to get the numbers for a vote and has much better game-awareness than goats in seasons past. Besides Aurora, the other five castaways all seem to be on good terms with Julie. Although Lauren hasn’t made any significant moves, she has a strategic mindset and understands when she has to play her idol, and when she can hold on to it.
If this duo continues to work together, they are poised to peak at the right time and secure spots at Final Tribal. As long as Rick or another player returning to the game doesn’t make it to Day 39, both Julie and Lauren have a legitimate shot at winning the title of Sole Survivor.