3. Aurora McCreary
It’s odd to think what a day or two in Survivor can do to prolong your game in a profound way. For the longest time, Aurora was on the bottom of the Kama tribe, having been cast out by a majority of her Vata tribemates due to her allegiance to Joe Anglim and Aubry Bracco. This meant being at a 6-3 disadvantage early before being at an 11-1 disadvantage just after Joe’s elimination.
One thing that’s kept Aurora afloat is power players taking out other power players. Wardog weaponized the loved ones visit approach from Eric and Ron to take out Eric while Rick Devens basically commandeered a commercial airplane taking Kelley to the Edge of Extinction by using facts and logic to dismantle the Kamas from within, leading to Julia’s sudden demise.
Despite being on the outs for most of the votes, Aurora was finally in on the plan to blindside Ron in the case of a Rick Devens idol play. Now that she’s finally had her extra vote advantage used in her favor, Devens’ immunity means she remains one of the biggest threats left in the game. However, she is capable of winning immunity again, protecting herself and insuring Devens’ exit.