Breaking news: Rick Devens has taken over Survivor: Edge of Extinction! From terrorizing his fellow castaways to dramatic Tribal Council theatrics, our coverage begins now.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from episode 13 of Survivor: Edge of Extinction.
Every few seasons of Survivor, audiences are treated with an infectiously entertaining character that we can’t help but root for. Rick Devens has been shaping up to be that guy, and this week’s episode proved it.
I just wanted to make it clear that Devens isn’t my MVP selection because of his Tribal Council theatrics or his game of hide and seek with the five other castaways. Although those were certainly entertaining moments, his gameplay extended beyond pleasing audiences.
Ever since the previous Tribal Council, it was common knowledge that Rick was target number one, making the following Immunity Challenge ever more crucial. Although he fell short in the Reward Challenge, he came up clutch when he needed to.
Once again, Rick’s strength with puzzles became evident, as he was able to piece together the seven-word phrase before anyone was close. That gave Rick his third straight Individual Immunity win.
Not only did Rick save himself once with his necklace, but he earned another extra life by finding his third Hidden Immunity Idol! And it’s not like this was an easy one to find. He went looking before sunrise and only discovered it in a tree hours later.
However, Rick did more than dominate physically. Often times we see challenge threats unable to play an effective social game. Although Rick is handicapped because he’s on the outs as the biggest target remaining, he didn’t simply lay back after winning Immunity.
Immediately after returning to camp, Rick had a conversation with Julie. Was this because Julie was on the outs and was forced to consult with Devens? That’s one reason these two spoke, but I can’t forget about the merge episode when Rick built a promising friendship with Julie after winning his way back.
17 days later, that social relationship reaped its benefits. Julie agreed with Rick’s plan to vote out Aurora, and she was able to convince Lauren as well. Lauren in turn successfully persuaded Gavin and Victoria to write down Aurora’s name.
Even though Rick wasn’t the guy doing all the convincing, his initial plan came to fruition. His statement at Tribal Council about using his idol for Julie was more for the jury than anything.
It’s true that Lauren did end up having a bigger impact on the vote than Rick did, but I can’t overlook her decision to tell Gavin to make this move without Victoria’s consent. Since Gavin is tight with Victoria, it didn’t take too long for that news to get to her, which could hurt Lauren’s options moving forward.
Overall, Rick played sound in all areas considering he’s been lied to this whole season and is at the top of everyone’s list to take out. His idol will surely come in handy over the next two Tribal Councils, but that still doesn’t guarantee Rick’s safety. Will Rick have to continue his Immunity run, or can he form an alliance with the Edge of Extinction returnee?