Survivor Edge of Extinction finale power rankings: The Final Five

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Survivor Edge of Extinction episode 13 Victoria Gavin
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4. Gavin Whitson

Depending on how things shake out on the Edge of Extinction, Gavin Whitson’s time might be coming to an end rather quickly in the finale. His game up to now has seen Gavin hide in the shadows while others take the heat, but some of the biggest targets taken out were previously partners and alliance members.

Victoria and Gavin have been a duo for a long time, but as we get closer to the Final Tribal Council it’s become increasingly clear that Gavin might be in others’ best social graces over her. However, his threat level dramatically increases because of it, as he has also won two individual Immunity challenges to bolster his resume.

With Rick guaranteed safety until at least the Final Five thanks to his Hidden Immunity Idol, Gavin might be the guy to take out as soon as possible as a backup. Sure, he’s probably someone capable of beating Rick the first time he does become vulnerable, but with Lauren and Julie working together, few are taking Gavin with them to the end.