Survivor Edge of Extinction provides several possible returnee options

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Survivor: Edge of Extinction is over and while the main twist gave us a controversial ending to an already strange season, Edge of Extinction did provide us with plenty of colorful characters who will definitely be in consideration to return again.

Survivor: Edge of Extinction was an interesting season, to say the least. The main twist in season 38 involved voted out players going to the Edge of Extinction where they’d await their opportunity to re-enter the game.

The show had one of the most controversial endings ever with Chris ultimately winning the game. Chris spent 12 days in the game and 27 days on the Edge of Extinction. He beat out two players who were in the game for the full 39 days.

Even with the sour ending, the 38th season of Survivor gave us some very memorable contestants and we should expect to see many of them return again in future seasons.

Before we dive into the new contestants, let’s discuss the four returnees on this season. Three of the four were playing for their third time while David was on his second try. Three times on Survivor tends to be the limit for most players, but would anyone be surprised to see Aubry, Joe, or Wentworth return for a fourth try?

With the new castaways, the most popular player amongst the fans was obviously Rick Devens, who probably would have won the game had Chris not given up immunity to partake in the fire-making challenge. Devens was voted out early on in the game but won his way back into the game midway through. He found three hidden immunity idols, was good at challenges, and had a fun personality.

While Devens was shoved down our throats in the final five or six episodes, he was a good player and should have won the whole she-bang. He’ll most definitely be asked back to partake in a future season of Survivor.

Gavin and Julie were the other two sitting in the Final Three with Gavin receiving four votes at the Final Tribal Council. Gavin could be asked back, but he really didn’t receive a ton of airtime despite finishing second. That’s never stopped Survivor from bringing back contestants though (Amber Brkich anyone?). Julie doesn’t seem like a returning player, but you never know.

The other likely returning player from the Final Six would be Lauren, who was Wentworth’s right-hand woman for the first half of the game. Once Wentworth was voted out, Lauren managed to make it on her own just fine and showed she was giving it all when she passed out during a challenge. Lauren was spunky, good at challenges, and found a hidden immunity idol on day two, so her returning for another try wouldn’t be a crazy thought. Survivor needs more female players like her.

Personally, I’d love to see Victoria get another crack at the game, but she didn’t get as much love from the editors as she should have. She played a great game.

Other potential castaways we could see again:

  • Wardog – As annoying as he was, he was a unique character and pretty memorable. Most casual fans would remember him for his silly nickname alone.
  • Ron – The villain of the season.
  • Aurora – She became a bigger character down the stretch and for good reason. She was athletic and had some funny one-liners.

Survivor tends to bring contestants back more often now, but full-on All-Star seasons are still pretty rare. With that said, the show doesn’t fixate on bringing back players who made the merge anymore, so really anyone from this season is fair game. It’s doubtful Wendy or Keith would be asked back due to being the only ones to raise the mast, but don’t rule them out by any means.