Survivor legends: Stephenie LaGrossa Kendrick talks Survivor on RHAP


Stephenie LaGrossa Kendrick, one of the most popular and beloved Survivor contestants ever, got a chance to share her experiences on RHAP.

My favorite podcasts from RHAP are always the ones where Cesternino talks with former Survivor players that we haven’t heard from lately. Thanks to Teresa Cooper, RHAP was able to get Stephenie LaGrossa Kendrick on the show. If you haven’t listened to this podcast yet, you can find it on RHAP. It’s only an hour long and it’s a great listen!

The last time we saw Stephenie was nearly ten years ago on Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains. Since then, she married former MLB pitcher Kyle Kendrick and has three kids, including a seven-month-old baby girl. She has sort of lost touch with Survivor over the past few years with raising three children, but she still revealed some interesting details about the game. Here are a few key points that stuck out.

Used Bon Jovi concert footage for her audition tape!

Stephenie shared the fact that she only sent in one audition tape before she heard back from CBS. A little while before she applied, she went to a Bon Jovi concert and was actually called up on stage! She was able to get a hold of that footage, and with the help of a friends’ suggestion, she used that in her audition tape.

Her audition tape featured her on stage at the concert and then it cut to her on a beach and she said something like: if Bon Jovi can pick me out of a crowd of thousands of people, so can you. That was sure to catch casting’s attention and they were surprised that it was real footage.

Guatemala was so dangerous that Probst had to intervene

Although it was in Palau where Stephenie’s tribe was absolutely decimated, she felt that Guatemala presented a much tougher location to live in. The castaways were told not to swim in the water. Eventually, Stephenie and a few other tribe members decided to go for a swim and Jeff literally came out in a helicopter stressing the importance of not entering the water because of crocodiles.

Stephenie also mentioned how brutal the living conditions and challenges were. In fact, she spoke about a time that production literally took a break from a challenge so everyone could get hydrated! Thankfully, the game has passed the stage of testing players’ physical limits and is more focused on gameplay.

Still thinks she deserved to win Guatemala

She understands why Danni won Guatemala and respects her game, but she believes that she played the better game. She felt that she was only one of many people making the moves, but she was the one who always got backlash for it.

That said, Stephenie thought that Rafe played an amazing game as well and that he was deserving of the title of Sole Survivor. She explained how a lot of the big moves and blindsides were Rafe’s idea, she would just go along with them and help make them happen.

Stephenie would want to play again!

She told Rob and T-Bird how for the longest time she considered herself retired from the game, but would be willing to get back into it. Stephenie and Amazon castaway Heidi Strobel are teaming up for a fitness endeavor, which is helping her get back in top shape. How exciting would it be to see Stephenie return in the era of new school Survivor!