4) Victoria surprises Aubry
This is another thrilling Tribal Council that saw a first-time player completely shock a returnee with an idol still in their pocket. Although most of the drama happened before Tribal Council, the masterful plan that was set into motion throughout the episode climaxed at Tribal.
The tribe swap gave the new Manu tribe an overwhelming Kama majority. That left Wendy out as the easy vote, but Victoria didn’t want to settle for that. She mentioned on RHAP that she wanted to plan on losing twice. If they took out Wendy now it would be a lot harder to blindside Aubry with only four members on the tribe.
That motivated Victoria and the rest of the Kama crew to go after Aubry, but she knew that she had to really sell it. They didn’t know she had an idol, but they definitely were in fear of one. That sent Victoria preparing for an Oscar-worthy performance. She began spending more time with Aubry, trying to gain her trust.
Victoria knew that the Wendy vote was too obvious, so she presented to Aubry another plan of keeping the women in the game to blindside a big threat like Eric. This made Aubry feel like she was in on the secret plan, moving her to feel safe and not use her Extra Vote or Idol. That left a completely surprised Aubry heading off to the Edge of Extinction, becoming the first of three blindsided returning players.