Most memorable moments from season one of Survivor

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2. – “I would not give you a drink of water.”

This could have been number one, but you’ll see why number one is number one when you get to it. Sue’s jury speech is probably what most people will point to when they talk about the first season of Survivor. It’s still tough to watch nearly two decades later! You felt for Kelly at that moment.

Before we dive in more, let’s give the backstory.

Susan Hawk was in the Tagi alliance with Rich, Rudy, and Kelly. Well, Kelly didn’t feel right about being in an alliance, so she was trying to get out of it. Susan didn’t like that, and the two got in a big fight about it.

Well, at the Final Four, it was a tie vote between Richard and Susan. Kelly switched her vote when they went to re-vote and Susan wasn’t happy about that. So when she got to address the Final Two, you better believe she let them (mainly Kelly) have it.

The speech, which has gone down in not just Survivor history, but television history, slammed Kelly for being a rat. Sue compared Richard to a snake and Kelly to a rat while also telling Kelly that she wouldn’t vote for her.

The most memorable part of the entire speech was when Sue said that if Kelly were dying of thirst, she wouldn’t give her a drink of water. She’d let the vultures take Kelly and do whatever they wanted with her.

This speech not only set the tone for future Survivor juries, but it’s lived with the show two decades later. People still remember this moment and how Susan belittled Kelly on national television.