Most memorable moments from Survivor: The Australian Outback

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Survivor: The Australian Outback, the second season of the beloved series, aired in 2001. Here are some of the best moments from season two.

Back when Survivor was still finding its footing and focusing mostly on the survival aspect of the show (that is the title of the show after all), they filmed the second location in the Australian Outback.

Rewatching this season, it’s easy to see how some could argue that this was the toughest season of any of the other 37 seasons that have aired. For one, it was the longest amount of time spent on the island, as the castaways in season two spent 42 days out in the wilderness, while the other seasons have stuck with 39 days.

Anyway – With that recap out of the way, let’s take a look back at the most memorable moments from Survivor: The Australian Outback. These won’t necessarily be funny moments or even good moments; in fact, a lot of them are on the negative side, but it’ll still remind us of what the second season’s legacy is, 18 years later.

5. Jerri loves Colby

This entry also could have sole been dedicated to that of Jerri Manthey, Survivor’s first true villain, or at least first true female villain. The absolute best Jerri moment in the Outback, however, involved her buddy Colby Donaldson, who Jerri fawned over a lot during their time together.

There were confessionals all season long about how much Jerri liked Colby while Colby did not reciprocate that love at all.

In a reward challenge during the ninth proper episode (discounting the recap), the eight remaining castaways were tasked with pairing up to compete in an obstacle course. With the pairings having to be male/female, Jerri didn’t want to draw out of a hat but wanted them all to pick teams themselves. Even though she still had to pull names out of a hat, she still got Colby.

Well, Colby wasn’t as enthused about that, and during the challenge itself, when it came to getting over a giant wall, Colby made sure Jerri got over. He hurled his partner, who wanted to be his partner so badly, over that wall. It wasn’t very nice, but Jerri was fine, and it still provided a good laugh 18 years later.

Oh and yes, the two won the reward challenge, spent the evening away from their tribemates, and then Colby went on to blindside Jerri a few days later. That’s cold.