Survivor: Comparing Borneo origins to the current seasons

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Ali Elliott Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers episode 4
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS ©2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved

Outlasting the competition

One of the biggest differences comparing Borneo to modern Survivor is that the show focused predominantly on the survival aspect. There was little to no gameplay because the concepts of alliances hadn’t been invented yet (thanks for changing the show forever, Tagi!), so the first few episodes really honed in on making shelters/fire and trying to find food.

In fact, when the first alliance was formed, the old Pagong members seemed genuinely appalled that that was the approach the former Tagi members decided to take. Now, it’s nearly impossible to make it far in the game without an alliance or a voting block.

While the show is still called Survivor and the contestants have to survive the elements, these aspects aren’t touched on much at all. It’s usually strategizing from the first minute until the final minute of the episode. We might get a few minutes of putting a shelter together in the first episode, but after that, there’s not much mention of it again.

Yes, occasionally we’ll still see players struggle with the elements, but no more is someone safe because they’re good at fishing or finding food. It’s all about strategy in today’s game of Survivor. (Editor’s note: The most memorable example of survival in modern times was with the cyclones in David vs. Goliath; a top 10 season.)