No player who started their CBS reality competition career on Survivor has been cast as a Big Brother houseguest. These eight would be entertaining choices.
Because I am capable of rationalizing the fact that I won’t likely ever be cast to play on Survivor, I’m actually okay with returning player seasons. When they don’t have braindead twists that defeat the purpose of outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting the competition, many of the returning player seasons are among the best in the show.
Because of CBS owning Big Brother and The Amazing Race as well, there has been some great crossover talent to appear on other shows. One of the Twinnies, Natalie Anderson, even won Survivor: San Juan del Sur, and BB 12’s Hayden made an impressive, deep run in Blood vs. Water. Mike White even outperformed himself in The Amazing Race in David vs. Goliath.
Somehow, the only crossover combination that hasn’t happened yet is a Survivor player making their way to Big Brother. It’s a shame because there are some dramatic, personality-driven players that would thrive on that show. Here are just eight of our suggestions!
Corinne Kaplan
There’s nothing more that the Big Brother community loves to reward than lousy behavior exhibited by players who come into the game snatching weaves (as long as they don’t hold bigoted views).
Corinne Kaplan once told a player that the only thing she’d vote to give her is a handful of antidepressants so that the jury wouldn’t be subjected to her whining and so she could seem sincere about crying over her dead father. It was the cruelest, darkest thing said on the show outside of a Sue Hawk speech.
Corinne is knowledgeable of the show, will get into huge house fights, will strategize well in a core numbers alliance and be the villain each season needs. I’d argue she is built better for Big Brother than Survivor. (I miss the Brutal Cast Assessments)