Normally, Wednesday has been the day we’ve seen cast reveals for Survivor. When can we expect the Survivor: Island of the Idol cast reveal this time?
Ever since the introduction of the Survivor: Blood vs. Water cast, every cast of an upcoming season have been revealed at least four weeks ahead of the premiere on a Wednesday. The starkest and only exception was Edge of Extinction, with the cast reveal coming only less than three weeks before the premiere and also coming on a Thursday.
With the official social media accounts reminding us about Survivor: Island of the Idols premiering a month away from August 25 on September 25, we had hoped that we would get the official cast reveal today, Wednesday, August 28. However, we did not get the standard four-week head’s up, meaning we have to wonder; when will the cast be revealed in an official capacity?
We have several options, so let’s go with recent history. Last season, when the EoE cast was revealed late, I compiled the release dates for all the past seasons dating back to Gabon. Wednesday is the most popular date, with Monday being second and Thursday (with EoE) being third. Friday seems out of the question.
So far in 2019 I have churned out 10,000 and 14,000 word stories for EW. Those are nothing compared to what I’ll be dropping tomorrow morning… for better or for worse.
— Dalton Ross (@DaltonRoss) August 28, 2019
There is a case for Thursday being the best bet that has pros and cons going for it. Dalton Ross tweeted earlier today that he has written 10,000 and 14,000-word stories earlier this year, and has even more words prepared for tomorrow morning. Pinned to the top of his Twitter is the 14k-word oral history of the Erik Reichenbach, suggesting the next story is about Survivor. Also, Edge of Extinction’s cast was revealed on a Thursday.
Traditionally, though, I wouldn’t expect a Survivor: Island of the Idols cast reveal to have so many words written by him, as they often focus on the bios written by the players. Additionally, Dalton Ross is situated in New York City if past post-show live streams are to be believed, and most cast reveals have come at 12 p.m. ET. The afternoon is not the morning, so it could be a supplementary Survivor piece as we approach the 20th anniversary of the show.
Still, the other 10,000-word piece from Dalton gave us a behind-the-scenes look of the Edge of Extinction marooning the day of the premiere, so who knows? It could be tomorrow, it could be next Wednesday, maybe even next Thursday. Either way, the Survivor offseason (for non-Australian fans) is rapidly coming to a close!