Survivor: Island of the Idols promo reveals first person to visit the mentors

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

With under a week to go until the premiere of Survivor: Island of the Idols, CBS dropped a new promo, teasing us with Boston Rob and Sandra’s first meeting.

Warning: The promo for Survivor: Island of the Idols revealed some key events from the premiere, so spoilers for episode 1 are ahead.

Ever since it was announced that Boston Rob and Sandra were going to act as mentors in Survivor: Island of the Idols, there’s always the worry that their presence will take over the season. These two legends sure loomed large in the latest promo, but hopefully, it’s just a tool to attract viewers instead of a sign of their heavy involvement moving forward.

Most of the scenes in this promo that didn’t feature the two mentors teased the first Immunity Challenge of the season. The setup is the brutal challenge requiring each tribe to somehow climb over a series of steep A-frames. We saw this same concept most recently in Edge of Extinction, but the final phase of this challenge will likely be different.

Both tribes seemed pretty even after the first A-frame, and we also get glimpses of Janet Carbin taking a painful faceplate into the ground. In the only scene showing us camp life, we again watch Janet, this time taking the lead in trying to make a fire for her tribe without the provision of flint.

However, this promo also inadvertently revealed to viewers who won the first challenge. Stop reading now if you don’t want to know! Near the end of the teaser, we see Olympic Medalist, Elizabeth Beisel in complete shock, as she’s more than likely the first person sent to the Island of the Idols.

As revealed in an interview with Jeff Probst, the tribe that wins a challenge will send a castaway from the other tribe to the Island of the Idols. He also confirmed that they will make it back for Tribal Council. Since Elizabeth is on the Lairo tribe, it was the Vokai tribe (wearing purple) who won immunity. It will be exciting to watch the dynamics of the Lairo tribe as they scramble to vote out the first castaway of the season.