Survivor Island of the Idols episode 1 power rankings: Super Junior M

Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Lauren Beck Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 1
Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

8. Molly Byman

Someone with the compassion of a school teacher and the intellectual prowess to switch career paths and become a law student while also convincing Survivor casting to tell her early about getting on the show has a lot of power in this game.

7. Lauren Beck

Lauren is one of my early favorites to win Survivor: Island of the Idols, but you can’t win the game early. You can lose if you play too hard too early, so I’ll be watching the premiere and seeing how well a grip Lauren has on the Vokai tribe. I feel like she can thrive in an early lieutenant role that evolves into a leader at the merge.

6. Chelsea Walker

Unlike many other super fans who have been trying out for years, Chelsea has lived a full life in media working for IMDB. Being around celebrities often and working in teams in intense, hard-fought work environments will prepare her for this game.

5. Jamal Shipman

Early press material shows Jamal in the middle of the action, and he looks to be one of the strongest players on a strong tribe. I don’t foresee him getting into any problems with his tribe early, and if he’s in the numbers at a tribe swap (or two), he should be safe through the merge.