Survivor Island of the Idols episode 1 power rankings: Super Junior M

Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Survivor Island of the Idols episode 1 Immunity Challenge
Photo: Michele Crowe/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

4. Tommy Sheehan

Unlike his inspiration Ron Clark, I can foresee Tommy playing a compassionate, team player role on his tribe. He looks athletic in a way that he can hide from being an adaptive threat until after the merge, and his ability to work with 4th-grade children will more than prepare him for the patience needed to thrive in this game.

3. Jack Nichting

The latest Golden God archetype, Jack seems to be a charmer in the early going. That’s the primary skillset you need to find a core group of players early on and create a dynamic alliance to dominate the game, and I feel like unless he becomes a Joe Anglim-esque challenge beast, he won’t be targeted until the merge.

2. Missy Byrd

Perhaps the most decently dope player in Survivor history, Missy Byrd will have the drive, determination and good vibes necessary to navigate the Lairo tribe early. Plus, she’s the kind of player you want on your team no matter the swapped tribe designations, as she has dynamic gameplay capabilities.

1. Elizabeth Beisel

The reason why I have Elizabeth at the top of our Survivor: Island of the Idols power rankings is because there’s video evidence suggesting she will visit Boston Rob and Sandra early on in the game. That suggests Lairo loses, but it does mean she will be able to take winners’ advice early and potentially earn a power in the game.

Having an advantage is a huge leg up in Survivor, and Elizabeth is in the best position to earn it. Plus, being on the island suggests safety, so that’s a plus!