Survivor Island of the Idols episode 2 power rankings: Sensational Feeling 9

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /
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Elizabeth Beisel Missy Byrd Survivor Island of the Idols episode 2
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

8. Elizabeth Beisel

There are ups and downs to Elizabeth’s trip to the Island of the Idols. She took a calculated risk with her attempt to beat Boston Rob in a fire-making challenge and even though she lost her vote, it didn’t matter, and she can make a fire on her own now. She might get in trouble if other players share the secret of the island, but considering everyone came to her about the vote when she came back, she’s in a good position on her tribe and has a strong bond with Missy.

7. Jamal Shipman

Jamal had a fairly straightforward premiere, but he is likely one of the strongest guys on the Vokai tribe with eyes on targets pointed every which way but his. I’d like to see a bit more of involvement in dictating the feel of Vokai, but I have no worries about his position.

6. Lauren Beck

Lauren has quickly become a figurehead of the Vokai tribe, finding herself in a majority group pinning the ire of the tribe towards Jason and his idol-searching ways. For now, she doesn’t need to push harder than she needs to with the arrangement of people she’s working with, as she’s defended well from all sides.

5. Molly Byman

She has a supreme level of game awareness early, as she was able to pinpoint Jason’s length of time away from camp to push an early target onto him. She’s one of the biggest movers and shakers of Vokai, whipping together a group that can position herself for greatness in the near and distant future.