3. Chelsea Walker
She still has a Hidden Immunity Idol, and she was able to flex her worth on the tribe by saving Tom from being eliminated. She also conceded in losing Vince yet remains comfortable in her position within Survivor: Island of the Idols by thinking way down the line. I am concerned about the promo showing her and Dean in a showmance, but hopefully, that’s a one-track thought from Aaron, or Dean is sacrificed for a better overall player.
2. Kellee Kim
Not a lot from Kellee this past week, but she still has an idol good for her next three Tribal Councils and is well-positioned in the Vokai tribe. She was there with Tommy trying to bring Jack into the fold, which was fairly successful. That’s why they were all able to talk about assuaging tribe animosity by targeting Noura the next week.
1. Tommy Sheehan
All plans run through Tommy right now at Vokai (at least, so it seems). That’s an incredible amount of power to have early on in Survivor, and it’s always possible for that power to be sucked away in an instant. However, people feel emotionally attached to Tommy’s stories, check on him for his thoughts on voting targets, and take his word as gospel when it comes to tribe decisions.
I hope this isn’t someone set up for a massive fall before the merge because he’s the strongest player in Survivor: Island of the Idols at this moment (even without an idol … yet).