Survivor Island of the Idols episode 5 power rankings: Playing on a Switch

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Lairo tribe 1.0 Survivor Island of the Idols episode 5
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

8. Lauren Beck

After pulling off the Molly blindside, Lauren has taken a considerably large step back from tribe policies and events other than to say no way in hell she was going to Survivor’s Island of the Idols. Taking a quiet, laid-back approach after pulling off a big move early in the game is an acceptable strategy, but now with the tribes swapped up, she’ll need to step back into a leadership or semi-leadership role.

7. Jack Nichting

For all intents and purposes, Jack got away with being a “power player” early on in Survivor: Island of the Idols and has got away scot-free. Now that the swap is here, he’ll likely be depended on in the physical aspect of challenges, as who could forget him grabbing most of his tribe and pulling them up a huge slope in the very first challenge of the season?

6. Aaron Meredith

Despite the first three episodes setting up an all-encompassing girls’ alliance on Lairo and women running the game, the show finally unveiled his closeness with Missy and utilized their connection in targeting Dean in the first place. Sure, Chelsea was taken out instead, but at the tribe swap, once again, physicality will be crucial for either tribe. He’s likely golden until the merge, where he becomes one of the top targets barring other circumstances in the future.

5. Elizabeth Beisel

Until Missy pulled a power move and voted out one of her closest allies and belittled another, the women were dominating Lairo. Now heading into a swap, Elizabeth’s compassion, physicality, social skills, and ability to remain steadfast in her convictions but willing to compromise makes her perhaps the most promising Lairo player going forward.