Survivor Island of the Idols episode 6 preview: I don’t like sand

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 6 preview takes a look at the Immunity Challenge’s beginning, digging deep and carrying a big old cage around.

The Immunity Challenge for Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 6 can be seen in this preview challenge, showcasing only the beginning as it will air on television this week.

Last week, we got our first tribe swap of Survivor: Island of the Idols, which also meant skipping out on Boston Rob and Sandra until the very end of the hour. Having a Reward Challenge, an Immunity Challenge, and a visit to the Island of the Idols would be way too much content to get to without sacrificing major character development time, and we have proof a Reward Challenge has been skipped already this season.

We are not lucky when it comes to Island of the Idols episode 6, as we will have to do like the episode title and “Suck It Up Buttercup” with all three of those facets of production making it to the air at once. The Reward Challenge is another contrived team-based push to get sandbags needed to knock down targets with a slingshot, but the Immunity Challenge has something different going for it.

As you can see in the video preview embedded above, the Immunity Challenge starts out like any tribe-based challenge involving a cage, with castaways having to either escape or make their way into a cage. This time, Vokai and Lairo need to dig their way into a huge cage at the very start, with Lauren sitting out for Vokai as they start out strong.

If you hadn’t checked out the Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 6 press photos, you might be completely shocked when the tribe picks up their huge bamboo cage and take it with them on the track. That’s right, the rest of the challenge sees the tribes carrying the cage to different stations as they collect balls needed to shoot at five targets to win. Strength and dexterity; at least it’s not one of four puzzles they use every season!