Survivor Ponderosa: Island of the Idols jurors 2 and 3 laugh the pain away


It was a brutal two hours of television last night, but the Survivor: Island of the Idol Ponderosa videos for jurors number two and three ease the pain.

This post will discuss the events of the Survivor: Island of the Idols merge while showcasing the Ponderosa videos of jurors voted out in the episode.

Man, the merge of Survivor: Island of the Idols was tough to watch. It’s so difficult that we haven’t even posted our recap yet, as I wanted to watch the entire proceedings a second time with the power of pause to process just exactly what I saw, what the players saw within others, and which people turned real-life scenarios into gameplay maneuvers that could destroy their public perception.

The worst part of the merge was that two of the season’s great people and players alike were voted out, proving once and for all that if you think Survivor is truly fake, then what the hell was that pile of trash we saw on our television screens? A small modicum of happiness did come through each new jurors’ Ponderosa videos, with Kellee embracing the moment with a big burger and the best style of pizza: Hawaiian.

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Jack’s duties as the Prince of Ponderosa seems to involve baking a delectable for each of the incoming castaways, and a chocolate brownie-like cookie was exactly what the doctor ordered for Kellee. It was great to see them get over their in-game issues and enjoy each others’ company as people, even if it meant seeing Kellee eat a burger with just a bottom bun. That’s almost worse than a bunless burger!

Since two players went home last night, it seemed like Jamal’s Ponderosa video laid out the vibe for the Survivor: Island of the Idols jury going forward. They were all able to laugh away their game indiscretions and could see the humor in how Kellee’s move undermined each of their own strategies separately, ending in their collective demise.

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For a bonus, right at the end, it seems like we got a little Ponderosa ditty from Jack and Jamal, using their combined singing prowess to make up a song about their Survivor journeys. It’s no smash hit like we saw with The Dragons’ Coach, J.T., and Courtney in Heroes vs. Villains, but it was a lovely tune!