This season has shown just two weeks of merge action, yet Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 11 power rankings consider just 12 days left in the game.
9. Dan Spilo
There’s no way that Dan can win Survivor: Island of the Idols. In fact, as more evidence comes out from exit interviews, it becomes clearer and clearer that he should have been removed from the game well before now. The sooner we can move on from him, the better.
8. Dean Kowalski
Not only is Dean the final original Lairo male player left in the game, but he’s also the only male Lairo member in any iteration, including after the swap. With Ronnie, Aaron, Vince, Jack, and Jamal voted out, as well as his “showmance” partner Chelsea long removed, and Karishma, his number one enemy, remains in the game with a Hidden Immunity Idol, Dean is out of allies and short on options.
The “Next Time On Survivor” promo insists that there will be some sort of goat army forming (goats as in unlikely to win, unlike Greatest Of All Time such as Sandra Diaz-Twine. Whether Dean is part of that pack or not, he’s on the bottom of the totem pole as the top challenge threat and without protection to prevent his elimination.