Survivor Island of the Idols episode 11 power rankings: Unmighty No. 9

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Photo: Screen Grab CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Elaine Stott immunity necklace Survivor Island of the Idols episode 10
Photo: Screen Grab CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

3. Elaine Stott

Of the remaining original Lairo members, Elaine has the best shot of winning Survivor: Island of the Idols. It’s slim pickings as to how she will get the votes to win, however, as she has already betrayed Missy directly with her vote in siding with Vokai’s Tommy and Lauren, who could influence Aaron elsewhere while Elizabeth remains in the game as an antagonist.

However, she does show that she has options, a killer social game and, now, the ability to win “redneck games” as individual Immunity Challenge wins. She showed that with the “roll a ball around a ring for as long as possible” challenge last week, keeping safe at a time when she didn’t need to while also diminishing the severity of her win. It’s always great to build a resume while keeping your threat level as low as possible!

From here, Elaine has to balance a narrow tightrope. If she can stick with Tommy, Lauren, Dean and some other guy whose name starts with “D,” she has a solid route to Final Five. Even if that doesn’t stay strong, players like Tommy, Dean, and even Lauren are likely targets ahead of her, making her one of the odd players who has been named as a threat early yet is not big enough of a threat to get out first until the final week of in-game time.