With the Final Eight playing for loved ones, our Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 12 power rankings reflect those with something worth playing for.
8. Dan Spilo
As much as we know he can’t win Survivor: Island of the Idols based on the way his indiscretions were edited in the double-hour merge awfultacular, Dan has been present and active in the last two strategy rounds post-immunity. He has been the most under-edited character throughout the season with Dean’s recent push, but it makes sense to show him being concerned when women are talking about him behind his back.
Apparently, he hates it when you don’t let those things go.
7. Karishma Patel
Karishma made a baller move last week, playing a Hidden Immunity Idol and nullifying seven votes against her. Unfortunately, it came as a result of being so aggravating to most other players that they didn’t even give her the respect to split the votes between her and Elizabeth. Additionally, she only had two others to compete against in the Immunity Challenge and still dropped within seconds of it starting.
People seem to think that the most recent push will make Karishma a longshot contender to win Island of the Idols based on the lack of most others’ edits, and her recent idol play adds to her resumé. However, you have to consider that most everyone else detests Karishma’s lack of activity, involvement, or participation at camp, and even if she sits beside Dan and Noura in the end, I don’t see how Noura doesn’t win over her.