Who is headed to be tested by Boston Rob Mariano and Sandra Diaz-Twine? The Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 13 promo teases the answer.
It seems like just yesterday we arrived at the Survivor: Island of the Idol merge where we were filled with hope, optimism, and excitement for a wild, varied game. Unfortunately, inappropriate discretions, a failure to act, and a widespread game of broken telephone resulted in something of a muddle post-merge, as it seems very much of tale of two halves.
Another oddity is that exit press interviews have been inconsistent or some have opted out, meaning we don’t have the same perspective for each of the players as they leave the game. There are obvious real-world implications as to why some sat out or only wanted to have CBS-approved email interviews, but still, it makes the week-to-week enjoyment of everything related to the show scattershot.
The latest example of that inconsistency; we don’t actually have the sneak peek video quite yet despite there being less than 24 hours until the show airs again. Right now, you’ll have to make do with a rather short commercial for Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 13, with Janet reading off treemail for the next Island of the Idols visit.
Are You Ready for Survivor Wednesday?
Tomorrow, another castaway will visit Rob and Sandra at The IOI! Who will it be?
Posted by Survivor on Tuesday, December 10, 2019
While players in the past have sat out the opportunity to get picked to play for a possible mystery trip (one that most players left in the game know about) because of the potential game implications, nobody in their right mind would pass this opportunity up at the Final Seven. That’s why Janet is seen almost pulling out a name to be randomly chosen to visit, making things fair for all.
Again, it’s not an extensive look at the episode, nor does it share any relevant information other than the fact that Boston Rob and Sandra will be out and about not just at Tribal Council in today’s episode. I hope everyone has a lot of excitement for those former players as we get closer to the end of the year.