The mystery of the yeeted shoes, boldness in the rain, and post-game thoughts highlight the Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 13 secret scenes.
Once again, we end a week of Survivor: Island of the Idols in utter dismay and generally feeling icky about what went down and what is set to go down in the future. I understand that many will want to move on from this season as soon as possible and learn what’s in store thanks to Dan’s dark cloud hovering over the season, but there are some fun character moments to relish outside of what made it to air this past week.
The Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 13 secret scenes, like most weeks, have provided moments of joy and distraction that we have needed to make it through covering a dreadful season overall. The first of the secret scenes takes an extended look at Noura hiding Dean’s shoes and their back-and-forth banter as he looks for his fly Nike kicks.
Though I understand that branding deals and a bloated episode already required this scene shrinking down, it does signify that Noura doesn’t walk to Dean ever again after his stunt at Tribal Council. It’s a great litmus test to finding out the level of animosity between the competitors, especially with one or both of them legitimate contenders to make the Final Tribal Council.
Who had the best poker face? @SandraDTwine or @BostonRob? #Survivor
— SURVIVOR (@survivorcbs) December 12, 2019
The levels of Noura’s perceived insanity by the other castaways do not go unnoticed in the second of the Survivor: Island of the Idols episode 13 secret scenes, as she’s wearing as little clothing as possible despite the downpouring of rain and everyone else huddled up. Her yoga training has prepared her for the survival elements of the game, as she is fighting through pain that she can actualize as temporary. Still, good lord, even if you’re not going to die, you might catch a cold or something!
The third secret scene was treemail, which was way overselling the spinning aspect of the challenge. Everyone seemed to rationalize what it could be, especially with it all coming down to a puzzle at the end. Lastly, we had a short “Day After” video of Elaine explaining her journey through the game. You don’t think about just how many hours of downtime you get, and Elaine using that time to unpack her baggage and leave it all out on the island was remarkable to hear.