Survivor Edge of Extinction DVD set now available on Amazon

Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The latest season to become available for physical home viewing needs, the Survivor: Edge of Extinction DVD set has been released on Amazon.

There was once a time where players would place their torch at their first Tribal Council, with Jeff Probst reminding them that fire represents life in the game of Survivor, and when it goes out, so do you. The formula for the social politics game has been changed from time to time, including formats where players face a series of challenges on Redemption Island.

The Edge of Extinction, however, took things way too far by adding extra advantages to give to players still in the game, making it so jury members can vote for people they’ve never played with, and even have people returning to the game having spent days or weeks influencing and bonding with the jury. It’s here again for Winners at War, and may even become a permanent feature going forward.

Still, if you’re one of those collection enthusiasts who have to own an entire set of a show’s content in their collection, the time to collect is now. The Survivor: Edge of Extinction DVD set is now available on Amazon, seemingly able to ship across the US and internationally (at least to my address in Canada).

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CBS – Click here to visit the Survivor Edge of Extinction DVD page on

Must Read. Survivor: 7 reasons why Edge of Extinction twist is an institutional failure. light

What has me laughing just a tad about the editorial review for the Survivor: Edge of Extinction product description is the level of self-awareness. Among the new castaways highlighted, Reem Daily has a special note about how getting “Reem’d out” became a season tradition, with her airing her thoughts, grievances, or hot takes about the players joining the season. The idea that there were 15 new players instead of 14 might need some fact-checking, though.

Though I wish we never have to see the twist of Edge of Extinction ever again, I do believe there are some genuinely interesting characters in the cast that deserves not to be maligned for what production forced upon their season. I mean, would it hurt to put at least one Kama player on the cover? Maybe one of the two-thirds representing the Final Tribal Council?

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