18. Boston Rob Mariano
During some of these preseason interviews, players have been placed in a position where they can look across the body of water and see Boston Rob and Sandra’s gigantic totem heads from Island of the Idols. These players also saw the promo after the Edge of Extinction finale, showing Boston Rob and Sandra as mentors for the 20 castaways playing their first time.
In effect, Boston Rob has been heralded as one of the greatest to ever play in the minds of production and won in a way where he effectively practiced cultism to win. Though he has many friends through preseason connections, I cannot help but feel that because he’s playing with his wife once again and has made it to the Final Tribal Council twice, there’s no way he can make it far enough to win.
17. Natalie Anderson
Though there are plenty of out-of-show connections across tribes for the Survivor: Winners at War players, few have connections from being in an alliance on the same season and acted with such a bond as Natalie and Jeremy did through San Juan del Sur. In fact, Natalie won partially driven by being blindsided over Jeremy’s elimination.
Jeremy is likely more connected through his Cambodia game to many other winners (as well as through his poker prowess), Natalie is quite a bit disconnected. If there is any way for members of Sele to separate pairs without alienating one side, I think Natalie might be targeted early.
16. Nick Wilson
Nick is the most targeted player of anyone who won first on a newbie season, per Dalton Ross’ interview questioning, and he’s also the most recent winner eligible by the time of filming. Though I’m sure he’s had his opportunity to pre-game with the rest of them, the lack of opportunity to meet others at charity events, his advantage-savvy way of winning (important for this season), and his relative youth leave him a long path to victory.