There are a lot of big names in Winners at War, but sometimes it’s the person that nobody’s talking about that wins all-returnee seasons. Will it be the same story for Survivor’s 40th season?
For the longest time Jeff Probst criticized the idea of hosting an all-winners season. He changed his mind once CBS wanted him to ask some of the big stars again, and they began saying yes. It was getting Boston Rob, Parvati and other legends that made Jeff convinced that Survivor: Winners at War could be a success. While big names can bring in the viewers, they don’t typically win seasons that have a full cast of returning players. That’s why we put together a list of underrated winners who have a good shot at retaking the throne.
5) Danni Boatwright
The only reason Danni isn’t higher on this list is because so many people including Jeff Probst view Danni as a dark horse pick to win it all. You can’t be a top sleeper pick if everyone picks you as a sleeper pick. Expectations aside, Danni might be the most unrecognizable name for casual Survivor fans.
It’s interesting that Danni could win season 40 with the same gameplan as her winning performance in Guatemala. Danni thrived on an effective social game and staying under the radar. She was able to survive despite making the merge on the wrong side of the numbers, which wasn’t a common trend back in the old school seasons.
Her kind and respectful attitude allowed her to infiltrate the majority alliance and become close friends with Rafe, the game’s mastermind. Then she put her fate in her own hands by winning the final Individual Immunity Challenge and wisely decided to take the vilified Stephenie LaGrossa to the end instead of Rafe.
If Danni can develop social relationships without putting her name on the chopping block then she can become a dangerous player once the merge hits. She has the ability to genuinely connect with people while still knowing when it’s time to cut them loose. With the incredibly low target she bears coming into Winners at War, Danni could replicate her Guatemala win.