With one player voted out per tribe, the Survivor: Winners at War episode 2 power rankings look at a tribe divided and one on a similar-tracked mind.
I’d like to get a quick note out about the rankings for this week and into the future. After much consideration, our Survivor: Winners at War episode 2 power rankings, and every rankings piece going forward, will only take the players active in the game into consideration. We’ll have pieces ahead of the Edge of Extinction challenges ranking those likeliest to return, but to avoid re-writing the same blurbs over and over again, we’ll keep players on the jury to their own devices.
For now, let’s go onto the Survivor: Winners at War episode 2 power rankings! Since we have live votes, as mentioned last week, these rankings will take into account who’s likeliest to be voted out next while also considering long-term power dynamics.
18. Denise Stapley
Despite being the oldest (and, typically, one of the wisest) Survivor players out there, Denise sure looked like a rookie in her premiere. It takes two to get lost on the way to the water well, but she had less agency in getting herself removed as the primary target. She has the fewest people on the tribe that could potentially work with her going forward.
17. Kim Spradlin
Man, did I not expect Kim Spradlin, of all winners, to be floundering and in a weak spot after the premiere. Since she’s such a huge threat, you would assume she would have been voted out first or be in a thriving position among the Dakal castaways. Now she has three votes against her, proving that even the greatest of the greats can bleed.
16. Boston Rob Mariano
Now that Amber has been voted out, Boston Rob is poised to go on a war front to get revenge. However, despite appearing to be in power, there are way too many clues about the new-school Sele players targeting him for his power not to be tested. He’s too overtly Godfather-like for a crew of winners not to take him out, and do so in a short time.