12. Michele Fitzgerald
You would think Michele would be lower in our Survivor: Winners at War episode 2 power rankings based on her being on the outs of the Natalie vote. Her position in the underdog alliance suggests the contrary, as her threat level is so low in a sea of legendary winners and primary movers and shakers in Sele. Even if the opposing group controls Sele (as long as that lasts), she’s low on the totem pole.
11. Sarah Lacina
The fact that Sarah is the next person after Kim to be name-checked in these rankings suggests the strength of the tribe’s dynamics. It’s not that Sarah is much of a threat to go home, but she is in a mid-trio dynamic with Tony and Sandra, and the latter is likeliest to be targeted next by Dakal should they go to Tribal Council. To me, a vote split would see her go home instead.
10. Nick Wilson
In terms of Dakal’s tribal dynamics, Nick appears to be in the controlling group, as Yul gathered up the outsiders together in unity. We didn’t get to see much of Nick’s perspective on that group, however, and he did receive a vote from Amber, who believed him to be the primary target. Were it not for his thoughts on fire tokens determining the winner of the season, he would have one of the quieter debuts.