3. Yul Kwon
Our episode 1 MVP, Yul managed to do his research heading into Survivor: Winners at War and turn it into a game plan for everyone else. Not only did he name the group of players as a “poker alliance” that seemed to be nothing more than an off-handed comment, but he presented the group as a fact and asked others what they thought of that group.
In that move, he created a common enemy without labeling the group as such but making a suggestion as passively as possible. He might be leaning a bit too much into a leadership position early, but his name isn’t one targeted just yet.
2. Sophie Clarke
Speaking of leadership, you don’t want to be too overt in your skills early on. Sophie Clarke has just as much a handle on the Dakal tribe with the establishment of the looming “poker alliance” group (as well as Sandra’s general threat level). However, we’re given more introspect on Sophie’s understanding of the game and using Yul as a nerd shield.
Could it be the pivot from a villain shield to a nerd shield that gives Sophie the second win?
1. Sandra Diaz-Twine
There’s a reason why Sandra won twice; she knows how to make the target anybody but her. She somehow managed to survive her first Tribal Council even amongst a sea of winners and is the only two-time winner in the game. Now she has a Hidden Immunity Idol good for the next two eligible times to be voted out.
Though I don’t think she’ll have the momentum nor protection (yet) to make it to the end of the game with a win, I’m sure as hell expecting her not to be blindsided with an idol in her pocket.