Survivor Winners at War episode 4 power rankings: Victors at violence

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Sele tribe puzzle Survivor Winners at War episode 3
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

4. Denise Stapley

With Adam granting Denise her second half back, she now has a fully-formed Hidden Immunity Idol that lasts until Final Five while not being beholden to a secret from someone who would realistically oppose her. Denise is not running the show over at Sele, but she was part of a team that took a swipe at the old-school Survivor players while attending almost every Tribal Council possible.

It sounds like a repeat path to victory in its early stages once more!

3. Michele Fitzgerald

After biding her time slowly but surely, Michele and Jeremy managed to flip Sele upside down and establish dominance on the tribe. It might ultimately be a flashy move needed to prove to her doubters that she’s a worthy winner (and, eventually, resulting in Boston Rob or Parvati getting revenge), but Michele weakening Parvati to get closer to the person who helped inspire her to audition is a moment she’ll likely never forget.

2. Yul Kwon

Yul is doing a good job of antagonizing Sandra by using Tyson’s real words and twisting them against him to get both factions going against each other. He also didn’t really need to do that, as he appreciated Sandra’s ability to reason regardless. Having Yul strategize and socialize with a bit of effort even during the early days shows how much he wants to win despite the time away from Survivor.

1. Jeremy Collins

After pulling off a huge blindside and working with Michele to blindside Boston Rob, I would normally put Jeremy in a lower position. However, with his winking game on fleek this past episode and the ability to say “you took out one of my guys, I took out one of your own” to Boston Rob concerning Natalie Anderson and Ethan and shielded by a Protection Without Power advantage until the Final 10, Jeremy has safer opportunities to expand his numbers.