Survivor Winners at War episode 6 power rankings: Toil and trouble

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Immunity Challenge part 3 Survivor Winners at War episode 6
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

5. Jeremy Collins

Though I find Jeremy’s power weaker than Sarah’s, I find that Jeremy has something of a better handle at the game and has the potential to propel a winning game better than Sarah just because so many players preseason pegged Sarah as a threat over him. Jeremy’s Safety Without Power advantage would require him to use it before the votes are cast, but it works as effectively as an idol and only lasts until the Final 10 anyways.

4. Denise Stapley

Denise continues to play an under-the-radar game, but her threat level is much more reduced than Jeremy’s is in the long run, and her Hidden Immunity Idol has a stronger, longer-lasting effect. Plus, only two other players in the game know of its existence, bringing a unifying trio (or duo, depending on the outcome) going forward at the merge. She’s not going to be targeted for a long time if she plays her cards right.

3. Sandra Diaz-Twine

More important to Sandra is the fact that her Hidden Immunity Idol will expire after her next visit to Tribal Council, meaning she has all the impetus in the world to use it should push come to shove. Sure, she’s on a tribe with a Dakal advantage over Sele’s numbers, but with Kim Spradlin being courted by Jeremy and Denise, Sandra’s “anybody but me” sense should protect her. It’s not like she would have an idol in a five-person tribe and not expend it at the last chance, right?