4. Sarah Lacina
We now get to the advantage zone for the Survivor: Winners at War episode 7 power rankings, as we reflect on the fact that Sarah has the ability to keep herself safe without having to rely on either Ben or Adam. She can use her Steal a Vote advantage to supreme efficiency at this moment, taking either one of their votes and voting them out to retain the original tribe numbers advantage.
Does that ultimately benefit Sarah’s game? No, it doesn’t, but it does demonstrate her safety in the game at this pivotal moment. She isn’t going anywhere, and she’s certainly not going to barter for power at such a risky moment, either.
3. Sophie Clarke
The same goes for Sophie; although it might not work if Adam and Ben’s votes went to Sarah instead, Sophie has a guaranteed safety net to protect herself just in case Sarah didn’t have her back. Even if Sophie was afraid of Sarah’s more treacherous style of gameplay, both of them know it wouldn’t make sense to break that out before the merge and displaying it for all to see.
With everyone on the Yara tribe wanting to work with her and Sophie primed for a good position in the merge (should it come next week), she might be one of the biggest threats to win the game right now. Of course, anything can happen at the merge, which will be the breakpoint for this all-winners season.