Earlier this week, CBS uploaded a special batch of press photos dedicated just to the Survivor: Winners at War Edge of Extinction Challenge at the merge.
Last week after the recent episode of Survivor: Winners at War aired on television, CBS released a batch of press photos excluding the Edge of Extinction challenge. I had guessed that the advantages bought using fire tokens or something about the layout of the course would have involved spoilers, so the network had left them off until the episode airs on April 1 (no fools).
However, CBS has added those photos separately earlier this week, and now we’re here to share that batch with you today. All remaining eight players on the Edge of Extinction are seen, meaning nobody else (understandably) quit the game before their chance to play their way back in.
Let’s take a look!

Compared to the merge challenge seen in the titular Edge of Extinction, the course is on a much shorter track, taking place on the short beachfront. These castaways will be crawling up and over these nets to collect a series of bags containing pieces of wood.

The second stage, just like the first time, involves going through the gate knotted up. I’m sure one of the advantages for spending fire tokens includes either less rope or no rope whatsoever.

You can’t see it that well in any of the press photos, but these shadows show bamboo walls. To my knowledge, players will need to tie those wood slats together to fish for a key, similar to the Edge of Extinction merge challenge.

No, I’m not a broken record; the Survivor: Winners at War merge challenge will also feature a snake maze finish similar to that of the original season. It’s clear that season 38 was a test run for the major leagues, per se.

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Here is a collection of other photos of the players seen in the Survivor: Winners at War Edge of Extinction challenge. Based on the lack of Boston Rob seen in these photos, I’m convinced he spent some of his fire tokens on advantages for this challenge, considering most everyone’s photos are at the beginning, and he’s nowhere to be found other than the very first wide shot.
Who do you think will make it back from the Edge of Extinction? Who else will join the current castaways in the game to form a Final 12 merge? Will we see a tie vote, or will concessions be made? We’ll have to find out early on Wednesday, April 1, at 8 p.m. ET. Unfortunately, it’s just an hour episode in length, rushing everything in a standard merge plus a bonus challenge.