Danni Boatwright
Danni has been a bit of a non-entity when it comes to the edit, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a tougher time making it through the first of two Survivor: Winners at War Edge of Extinction contests. However, with this group, Danni might be one of the strongest individual competitors, even with just one fire token at her disposal.
It doesn’t seem like she used it here on this first obstacle per the press photo above, and her build is geared towards this test.
Odds she wins the Edge of Extinction Challenge: 9%. Of all the people not drowning in fire tokens, Danni’s likely primed towards a late-stage performance. She’s even competed in a rope-based Immunity Challenge in her original season and, if I recall correctly, performed admirably. She’s also tall and precise enough to traverse the snake puzzle at the end, too.
Odds she thrives if she returns: 10%. The entirety of her boot episode illustrated her downfall, as she was willing to leak information at the drop of a hat if she wants to get somebody out. She’s not going to be in the driver’s seat, so her earlier indiscretions don’t bode well at the merge.
Her only hope is to return to her Guatemala gameplay and work with a majority alliance right before they eat their own. The problem is these winners are actually great at playing Survivor!