1. Sophie Clarke
Whether it’s the Hidden Immunity Idol, an extra fire token, or the fact that she hasn’t received a vote yet, everything has come up Sophie in Survivor: Winners at War with one exception; losing Yul in the pre-merge as a nerd shield. However, she’s already proven to be making moves on her own and influencing the game in big ways, such as targeting Wendell to weaken an eventual threat like Jeremy.
Her bonds with those in power are not necessarily shown, but the fact that her word was the law for the merge vote and nobody had questioned the direction of its command to the point that Jeremy was voting out a potential ally reflects her standing. She’s powerful in a stealthy way, and that’s exactly the kind of winning path she had in South Pacific, albeit without a contradictory man of God to use as a shield.
Can Sophie Clarke win this game? The edit has pushed her to the back of the scenes when it comes to the narrative, but she certainly still offers her insight and narration into the season’s proceedings. We’ll know soon enough if the allies she keeps close will continue to be targeted over her will continue to shield her or if they’ll turn the dagger on her.
Right now, though, Sophie is in an immaculate position.