With the Final Nine ready to bring chaos to a high stakes game, the Survivor: Winners at War episode 11 power rankings reflect those rejuvenated by love.
9. Jeremy Collins
Jeremy knew he had a target on his back heading into Tribal Council last week. For some reason, he thought he should go up to Tony Vlachos, a man with immunity around his neck won from his first-ever victory in that category, and suggest he round up the troops to vote out Sarah Lacina. Sarah, the “one half of the Cops-R-Us alliance” Lacina that had supposedly gotten too close with Sophie.
He knew he messed up and tried to get out somebody on that side by bringing in an outsider alliance with the likes of Tyson and Kim, hoping to get Michele and Denise to vote their way. However, the threat of going to rocks at the Final 10 proved to be too much of a gamble for too many, especially with Jeremy’s Safety Without Power only in use up through this vote.
To complicate things for his alliance, he saw the writing on the wall and decided to peace out from Tribal Council. Now he’s down a man, and he fled on his alliance, dooming all of their games in front of the jury. If Jeremy Collins isn’t voted out immediately (or, at least, over the next two rounds), it will be because he is that much of a Final Tribal Council goat for those actions.
He has now become the shield for others, in a twist of fate.