7. Sophie Clarke
Sophie has been playing an impeccably great game so far. She’s made allies across tribal lines, she’s shared secrets, she had strategic moves, and she’s bonded with a great number of players in Survivor: Winners at War. Most importantly, those in earlier rounds who painted her as a threat have been voted out.
The problem is that the results of last week’s Tribal Council prove more and more that Sophie is overtly in control of one side, and she doesn’t have the tight numbers she has over any other player. She’s close enough with Sarah, but Sarah isn’t nearly on the same wavelength as she is with Tony.
Plus, Sophie was the target of the minority because of her ties, and one of her opponents across the line she drew at Tribal Council knows of her Hidden Immunity Idol. She may have the only idol or known major power left in the game, but having received votes and made public spectacles of control makes her a target.
Unfortunately, she doesn’t have the shields she hoped to have heading into the endgame for me to think anybody would stick their necks out to bail her out. She needs to win immunities and find advantages before it’s too late to save herself.