2. Sarah Lacina
That’s right; we have both members of the Cops-R-Us alliance at the top of our Survivor: Winners at War episode 11 power rankings, and it’s for a good reason. Sarah continues to illustrate a supreme understanding of the game on all facets and has put herself in a position for longevity while also being party to groups of people that will back her up.
Sure, Tony wasn’t jumping to target Jeremy at first and did keep that fact hidden from her until he changed his plans to go against him. However, the fact that he ultimately shifted focus showed that Sarah has friends in high places. She’s also one of those friends in high places for others, establishing control of her group’s best interests by playing her Vote Steal advantage.
Now, Sarah’s position remains better due to the fact that she’s both protected by others and has others close to her as shields. She might lose Sophie in the coming rounds, but she’s also good with the likes of Tony and Ben, both of whom prove to have a bigger target than her. She’s covered on all grounds, has proven herself to be a hungry player, and has only continued to improve and polish her growing resume.