4. Michele Fitzgerald
If there’s an ongoing trend Michele has experienced in Survivor, it’s to be told the correct voting strategy at the last second and go with the flow. Michele isn’t so much playing the middle but being used as a pawn across both sides (at least, that’s how it looks in the edit), and the push from Tony to Jeremy to tell Michele to be the final person needed in their four-person voting bloc reinforces this thinking.
Michele’s storyline this season has revolved around her in-real-life perception surrounding her win, as it proved to be a “Controverchele” topic among Survivor fans. While that seemed to form into more of an underdog role around the Sele 2.0 days, ever since the merge, Michele has been left scratching her proverbial head at times, even when she is on the vote.
What we do know about her social connections and her thought process comes from what we can parse from who she votes with reliably. She seems to maintain a good relationship with Nick, but even he will stay more loyal to Tony. Michele isn’t actively seen as a threat to take out, but taking the winning side often is a factor many will overlook.
Still, she needs a dream draw for a chance to win at this rate.