2. Nick Wilson
What’s not to love about resident Evil Donathan vampire, Nick Wilson? Sincerely, I’m not sure if he does anything noteworthy to earn the edit he’s received in the post-merge phase of Survivor: Winners at War, but the perception that he’s creeping in on the action continues to undermine just how well he’s been playing with others considering he was the show’s most recent winner at the time of casting for this season.
It might seem like he will drop everything to further Tony’s game, especially after seeing an episode where he gave him a fire token, no question’s asked and was also willing to go in on a major blindside at the drop of a hat. However, it showcases the strength of his relationship with Tony to maintain their level of trust even after they were on the opposite sides of the merge vote.
Much like Michele, however, Nick has had very little agency over the game, as he’s playing an old-school game of social politics in a season that’s got fire tokens, advantages, and other powers flying at a mile a minute. Nick doesn’t have the power of an underdog narrative to guide others to fulfill his commands, and he remains overlooked by the jury.
Still, he’s the best-positioned player for the Final Eight in the “doesn’t have an idol” category.