1. Tony Vlachos
Tony Vlachos; challenge beast.
I keep writing about how a Tony Vlachos win seems like a foregone conclusion, but the editing in Survivor: Winners at War does little to prove otherwise. How else would it explain a three-straight immunity streak where everyone’s jumping out of a challenge for peanut butter, cookies, and chocolate (plus a fire token for Nick)? People are throwing their best chances for the man.
He also has a Hidden Immunity Idol in the situation where he doesn’t win immunity, but I don’t think he’s eliminated at the first chance he becomes vulnerable, anyway. You have players like Ben coming to him with plans to blindside him, showing that someone is always willing to leak information. He might be public enemy number two right now, but he has enough relationships and advantages necessary to keep him safe.
Again, we also cannot forget that the man has become an immunity machine, winning his first three in three-straight cycles. While some would be quick to point out that some of the lower-tier winners have immunity or idol-beasted their way to the end, just like Kim Spradlin’s win, it’s filled to the brim with strategic insight. He also happens to be one of the most entertaining characters of the show!
It feels like Survivor has been working up to a coronation, making Tony the king to Sandra’s queen.