9. Rick Devens
Dun dun dun Dun dun duhhhhhh!
Breaking news: Disliking a Survivor castaway purely on the merit that they are presented way more than others in their season is a heinously silly reason to “hate” a player. Rick Devens had no control of his edit in Edge of Extinction, and I believe his ability to charm others, prove amenable to a great number of voting situations and the ability to formulate strategies on the fly like he did with the Julia vote makes him one of the players to beat.
His problem is that he has such a huge reputation heading into the Survivor Sequester Mini that, much like his original season, nobody will let him get to the end. He does have a high upside of making it far, however.
8. Peih-Gee Law
Perhaps the most prepared, best researched, proven online reality (and non-reality) gamer on the cast, Peih-Gee Law is dedicated enough, calculating enough, and broken enough to make League of Legends a game of choice. That kind of mentally taxing atmosphere filled with toxicity is the perfect preparation for a game where players are gunning for each other, and you need to up your actions per minute to strike down the appropriate lanes.
I’d also be surprised if Peih-Gee wasn’t pre-gaming more than anyone else on this cast (and I’ve heard that others are taking this free competition very seriously).
7. Erik Reichenbach
When you have a reputation in the Survivor community so infamous that CBS cannot help but promote their upcoming seasons by using clips of you making a huge blunder, anything you do well proves to serve a redemption arc. Erik is the right amount of connected, strategic, and charmingly meek that he can coast to the end of this game.
However, when you do have the reputation of making it to the endgame only to stumble heinously or have your body fail out (depending on the season), you have to play big. Erik has to balance playing smart and playing aggressively, putting him in a situation where he has to play a Winners at War Tony Vlachos-like game.
Even Tony shouldn’t have pulled that off!