6. Kelley Wentworth
Without a doubt, Kelley Wentworth is the most prestigious, socially connected, strategic, iconic, and advantage-seasoned player on the Survivor Sequester Mini cast. I sincerely hope that she becomes the target around the Final 12 and receives the most votes only for her to pull out an LOS (Locus of Safety) to get the full “Wentworth, does not count” experience.
Though that kind of prestige makes her one without a doubt having a huge target down the line, the combination of the players wanting to keep her in early to entertain the watching fans and her social game might take her from the early-mid game right to the Final Five based on who will work with her. Her big leap remains with getting to the Final Four and not getting voted out.
5. Jonny Fairplay
Despite being another old-school Survivor player and a legend in his own right, Jonny Fairplay’s connections spread wide due to his podcasting and using-others’-likeness-to-sell-t-shirts businessman ways. He’s also historically played an outwardly aggressive game that works well in spaces like a Survivor Sequester Mini, as it’s all about saying the quiet thoughts loudly to others.
Jonny is going to have fun with the game, and I hope he makes it deep. I do have a surprising amount of high expectations for him.
4. Chelsea Walker
In contrast to Tony Vlachos’ highly improbable run to victory in Winners at War, Chelsea Walker being voted out as early as she did in Island of the Idols was as much an edge case in unlikeliness in the opposite direction. With her Island of the Idols connections, her persistence in applying to the show of Survivor in the first place, and her propensity to entertain, I think Chelsea stands a chance to place well better than she deserved on season 39.