11. Tyson Apostal
Tyson is another one of these legendary winners that entered Survivor: Winners at War with a large target on his back, and it didn’t take him long to figure that out. When it came time for Dakal’s first Tribal Council, Tyson realized his name was on the block. Instead of trying to do something drastic, or save his friend Amber, he wisely decided to let her go.
Tyson couldn’t overcome the odds when Dakal returned to Tribal Council. He tried to work on Sandra, but it truly felt that he was marked and wouldn’t be able to get out of the night alive. On the Edge of Extinction, Tyson accumulated enough tokens for an advantage in the challenge, and an early loved ones visit in the form of peanut butter.
He was able to outpace Boston Rob and win his way back into the game. Similar to his first few days on Dakal, Tyson stayed in the shadows when he returned to the game, just trying to find an in. It was the following when Tyson gave us a glimpse of why he’s a legend of the game. That day, there were several chaotic conversations where the vote seemed to switch every second.
Despite being separated from the game for over a week, Tyson was still able to casually drive the vote. He took the info he got from each person and decided with Kim that it was time to vote out Adam. In the end, Adam went home and Tyson survived another few days. Unfortunately for Tyson, he got voted out the next Tribal Council after the initial target: Jeremy, left the scene, and Kim played her idol for the wrong person. It wasn’t the performance Tyson was hoping for, but he did have a few good moments.
– Playing it cool the first Tribal Council and preventing a Day 3 boot
– Proving that peanut butter is actually the best advantage anyone can have
– Winning his way back into the game at the merge and adjusting his performance
– Subtly controlling a post-merge vote by getting the group to realize Adam’s threat level
– Forced on the outs early on due to an alleged poker alliance, and still getting blindsided
– Being the second person voted out of the tribe
– Getting voted out for the second time in the same season
– Being the victim of an incorrect idol play and Jeremy’s Safety Without Power Advantage