Worst twists in Survivor history

Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Photo: Robert Voets/CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Worst Twists in Survivor History – Number 14: Juror Removal

  • First Appearance: Kaoh Rong (Season 32, 2016)

In Survivor: Kaoh Rong, a reward challenge was held on Day 38 where the winner would be allowed to remove one member of the jury. Michele Fitzgerald – the eventual winner of that season – won the challenge and opted to remove Neal Gottlieb, who was a lock to vote for Aubry Bracco to win the game.

While the concept of removing a jury member might sound like a good idea, a lot of players enter the game with their goal being to make the jury. Neal made the jury and therefore earned the right to cast his vote as to who he thinks deserves to win the game.

Fortunately, Neal’s removal didn’t have a major impact to the final outcome, but it’s entirely possible that had he been present for that tribal council, maybe he makes a speech that outlines why Aubry was more deserving than Michele. Maybe he asks Michele a question that she can’t answer that sinks her game or asks Aubry something that highlights her game and allows her to win that season.

Even with the juror removal not impacting the final vote, it’s still one of the worst twists the show has had and fortunately has not returned since its inception in season 32.