Survivor season rankings: All Survivor seasons, ranked

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Photo: Screen Grab/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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32. One World (Season 24)

Kim Spradlin’s game that led to her being named the Sole Survivor and winning the $1 million certainly deserves the credit she’s due. From Day 1, she was looking for strong players to align with but was also sure to stay in control of the forming alliance from that first moment all the way through Final Tribal Council. She had it all as a player and could’ve won many other seasons potentially—but it was a breeze with the cast of One World involved.

One of the lasting things from the season might actually be the fact that it featured two separate players that wanted to be called Tarzan. That seems like an anomaly to begin with, so for two in a cast of Survivor to desire that moniker is just absurd. Troyzan adopted his nickname to compromise and quickly became despised throughout the tribe. That’s when his infamous “This is my island” statement came about.

It’d be wonderful if we were able to give Kim Spradlin her just due for what she accomplished, but like other winners in these rankings, she can’t carry the whole season. And for a season that cursed us with Colton Cumbie being a horrible person and a man-child, a great game played by the winner isn’t nearly enough to make One World one of the better seasons.